Automated Service, Upgraded Restaurants

Discover how we’re engineering elevated dining experiences

Whether you’re in the business of fine dining or fast-casual, five-star service is at the core of any restaurant experience. When customers take the time to sit down at any dining establishment, there are certain expectations that hinge on the quality of service and the care of staff. At Bear Robotics, we understand these expectations because we’ve evolved from a foundation rooted in the restaurant world. We’ve been in the trenches during the haste and hustle of a late evening dinner rush and have experienced every aspect of the service industry, from running dishes to dashing for drink orders. Our business was founded on creating a better way to handle restaurant work.

Thus, Servi was born. Servi is a state-of-the-art restaurant service robot that creates exceptional dining experiences by eliminating repetitive work for your employees. Our restaurant robot allows your service staff to breathe easy, free from the constant back-and-forth of bussing tables, running food, and delivering drinks so that they may focus on the most important factor in food industry establishment – the customer.

The Nuts, Bolts, and Navigational Specs 

Automation in the restaurant industry makes for easier and more efficient service. Our serving robot is equipped with LiDAR cameras for nimble and safe navigation, allowing them to work through hectic dining environments without ever causing a spill, scene, or halt in service. With Multi-Robot mode, you can easily sync an entire fleet of Servi robots for faster service, even as your business grows and your fanbase expands.

Servi features multiple modes for doing everything from running food to bussing tables, hosting, even patrol and party modes. And with Auto Return, Servi automatically reports back to its home base as soon as it’s completed its latest job.

Recently, Servi was certified by the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) for its remarkable safety and sanitation specifications. We’re especially proud of this achievement as this certification ensures our restaurant robots are up to local health codes so that you can operate them in your restaurant without any worries. In having the first robot of its kind to achieve this certification, we’re proudly pioneering the restaurant space with these unique innovations.

Combating Labor Shortages and Turnover 

Recently, there has been a lot of concern over labor scarcities due to the economic impacts of the last several months. In the National Restaurant Association's State of the Industry Mid-Year Update for 2021, seventy-five percent of restaurant owners are now reporting staff hiring and retention as their biggest challenge. With a robot food server like Servi, we are helping to alleviate these obstacles by both engineering an extra element of help and making the jobs and lives of your service staff easier and more efficient. This leads to higher job satisfaction and less turnover.

Our Servi restaurant robots are the perfect solution to improved guest experiences, greater efficiency, and labor scarcity and you can start a deployment in your business for as little as $33 per day. We’re positive that the impact these service solutions have on your employees and customers will empower your success and save you from the stresses inherent in running an efficient restaurant.  


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